Saturday, March 22, 2014

Two sides of the same coin

Apparently the BBC's choice of economic specialist, the ex TUC member who is expected to be unbiased of the Tories economic plans had a dalliance with Fascism and the BNP when he was younger. Some people are bigging this up as if it means he was a right winger at some stage...
When a TUC official was hired by Newsnight as its new economics correspondent, the BBC faced familiar accusations of Left-wing bias.
But Duncan Weldon has admitted that he once had a brief, “witless” dalliance with fascism, having been an admirer of Oswald Mosley when he was a boy.
As a 19-year-old student, he wrote an article for his university newspaper headlined “I was a fascist”, in which he described attending British National Party meetings and taking part in a “violent” demonstration against asylum seekers.
Writing under the pseudonym Sam Healey in the Oxford University student newspaper Cherwell in 2002, he wrote that after attending several BNP meetings: “I was starting to consider myself a Fascist – a patriot – one of the few who understood that in order to regain what we once had, we may have to take distasteful methods.”
Of course the Telegraph fails to mention that Fascism is actually a left wing creed developed by Benito Mussolini from his Marxist roots. The average leftard takes their roots from the various strands of 'international' socialism and the 'we are all brothers' style evinced by that fractured splintered movement. Fascism is a 'national' socialism which places the nation or nationality of its proponents first and foremost. But both are basically of the left and some of their policies you couldn't get a fag paper between.
So when I'm told that someone on the left had a flirtation with Fascism, I'm not terribly surprised, the only reason Fascism has a bad name is because it's proponents lost WW2 and no, Fascism should not be mistaken for Nazism another left wing creed as the two are distinctly different.
That Duncan Weldon went from Fascism to bog standard socialism is no surprise at all, it wasn't that much of a leap.

1 annotations:

Edward Spalton said...

Not forgetting that the slogan of Sir Oswald Mosley's post war Union Movement was "Europe our country".
Do you think he had a policy of entryism for the main parties?

If so, it was certainly very successful.