Monday, August 5, 2013

I have to admit I always feel brilliant after one

Orgasms are in the news because scientists reckon they are better for our brains than doing a crossword or sudoku. I do have to wonder where to get on the test subject list for this kind of research though, hell I don't (crossed fingers) even get telemarketers.
The sexual climax gives the whole brain a good workout, rather than just one area of it, Professor Barry Komisaruk said.
The sensation can, moreover, block pain and could therefore be used to alleviate the agony of childbirth, among other things, he suggested.
Depression, anxiety and addiction could also benefit if scientists can harness the pleasure-producing mechanism in the brain that produces orgasm and put it to other uses, he believes.
The 72-year-old US researcher has been studying female sexual pleasure since the 1960s, beginning his experiments on rats before moving on to women in 1982.
His decades of devotion to a subject that has scandalised some of his fellow academics at Rutgers University in New Jersey has made him something of an evangelist about the power and benefits of the sexual climax.
Dammit, why is this research always elsewhere?
I have to admit his conjecture about increased oxygenation does have a basis for credibility, after all that's how a supercharger works and a supercharged brain does strike me as one that is working at peak.
That said, the more intellectual thoughts that humans have aren't really flitting through the brain during coitus... well not unless it's an attempt by the male to delay said orgasm.
I rather suspect it's feelings and emotions that are heightened during the act, rather than logical thought and analysis, though possibly great discoveries and serendipitous breakthroughs can be made whilst screaming out yes, yes, yes!
Of course there's always that meme going around that a pig orgasms for 30 mins (not strictly true)
Might just mean they are smart enough not to want to run the planet.

2 annotations:

Leg-iron said...

The 72-year-old US researcher has been studying female sexual pleasure since the 1960s, beginning his experiments on rats before moving on to women in 1982.


I wonder how he went about chatting up rats, and did he find a bit of cheese and going 'eek-eek-eek' worked on the women too?

Anonymous said...

"The sensation can, moreover, block pain and could therefore be used to alleviate the agony of childbirth, among other things, he suggested."

How, exactly, does someone simultaneously give birth and have an orgasm?