Friday, July 1, 2011

It's all related

Ian Duncan Smith is going to get up in parliament today and tell us what we all know in that mass immigration has been an absolute disaster for the UK in condemning whole generations of UK youth to a benefits culture because they are simply not able to do the jobs on offer owing to poor education standards.

Too many young people are unable to read, write or communicate properly and do not work hard, a business leader claimed, as mass immigration is named by the Government as the biggest threat to challenging the benefits culture.
The Director General of the British Chambers of Commerce, David Frost, said business leaders knew there was a problem with youth unemployment but they could not afford to ignore cheaper skilled foreign workers.
Mr Frost said employers needed the "best people" and identified what he said were the problems with too many of Britain's youth, in an interview with BBC Radio 4's Today programme.
He said businesses expected "young people to come forward to them who are able to read, write, communicate and have a strong work ethic and too often that's not the case".
He added: "There's a stream of highly able eastern European migrants who are able to take those jobs and that's why they're taking them on.
"They are skilled, they speak good English and, more importantly, they want to work."
Yes, they want to work and they come here to do the jobs that our poorly educated young people can't and wont do it seems and so long as they are allowed to come here, the situation will go on.
What is needed is a radical rethink of the way young people/kids are educated in schools where the emphasis is on basics, discipline and the inculating of a work ethic. Yet that alone is not enough if the changes don't happen within the home as well.
It's hard to blame companies who wont take on UK people who don't meet the job requirements especially when they can get people who do and are prepared to work hard from elsewhere. Turning off the immigration tap will help a bit, but it will be an expensive process too as people will need extra training to meet the standards required. yet that and education is exactly what is needed to solve the problem, though I suspect it will take years assuming we could even start now, which we can't, because of the EU.
It will take years to put this right, just stopping immigration wont do it, we need a well educated workforce and that's something we don't have, decades of meddling with the education by the imbeciles in parliament have seen to that with their social engineering and everyone must be a winner dogmas.
Step one, leave the EU.
Step two, remove the political ethos from education and just educate.
Step three, adjust benefits to where having a job is a major benefit rather than an obstacle.
It will put itself right eventually, but not till we do the above.

4 annotations:

Trooper Thompson said...

"decades of meddling with the education by the imbeciles in parliament have seen to that with their social engineering and everyone must be a winner dogmas."

The real power base is within the educational establishment, I would say, rather than the politicians. Also, the control of education is done at the international level. That is why you find 'global citizenship' inserted into the curriculum at every point, and the same disastrous pattern across the Anglosphere and spreading outwards.

The Eastern Europeans have managed to keep a good education system in place. Under communism there was still a rigid, classical style system, and this hasn't fully been lost.

I agree with the general points, but the only way to change the political ethos is to take a hammer to the whole educational system. If it was broken down to the lowest level, there would be a chance that common sense would prevail, but leave the institutions in charge, and no political change in government will avail.

microdave said...

"They speak good English" - And I am supposed to support the teachers striking because they feel so hard done by?

OK, I confess to only speaking one language, but I try and make a good job of it...

Trooper Thompson said...

The Daily Mash take:

Anonymous said...

I reckon the basic problem here is that the kids today know that jobs are hard work, whereas a life lying to the DSS to obtain as many benefits as possible whilst working on the side is a much, much easier option. There therefore isn't much incentive to try hard in school and pass difficult exams, when they all know that a life of ease awaits them if they merely piss about all day (and kids are really, amazingly good at wasting time unless pushed). The cure here is simple: get rid of pretty much all benefits and replace these with Government Work, paid on a per-diem basis, tax and NI deducted before the claimant is paid.

The key here is this: only pay people for time spent working; no turning up once to claim cash if you've not clocked in, worked, and clocked out again. The actual work wouldn't matter all that much; road sweeping, refuse sorting for recycling; doesn't matter as long as it is not very pleasant and less well paid than actually working at minimum wage (which BTW needs abolishing pronto).

Then all you do is run regular school-trips to see how the Government Work claimants spend their days, together with the message: Work hard, learn to read and write or you too will spend your days picking through rubbish for a meagre living. Poverty has to have a horror for people to want to avoid it, and this absolutely must be hammered home to kids.