Friday, January 17, 2014

Rather disquietening

One of the areas of trust in society (for given values of trust) is that doctors are trustworthy in general and apart from the odd few and far between rogues, our lives are safe in their hands. We also trust that those who fail the rigorous standards we expect from the medical profession are weeded out and removed.
More than one in five disciplinary cases against doctors which is dropped without a full investigation is botched by regulators, a major review has found.
Ministers on Thursday night described the findings as “very concerning” while patients groups’ called for an urgent review of the way the General Medical Council (GMC) handles concerns about rogue medics.
More than 9,000 cases are referred to the GMC each year, but just over 200 are considered by full tribunal hearings, with the rest closed at an earlier stage.
The national audit examined 100 cases which were closed - and found that in 22 per cent of cases, blunders were made - suggesting that more than 2,000 medics a year may be being allowed to continue working even though allegations against them have not been properly investigated.
This sadly is one of the problems of a culture monitoring itself, the tendency to brush under the carpet or in this case botch the job and allow the possibility of further malpractice. No, this is about trust and the fact that those who monitor the doctors cannot be trusted to do a proper job. It may actually be that those who 'got away with it' as it were are innocent, but now, guilt is presumed because their cases haven't been examined properly and action (if necessary) taken.
When dealing with professionals, we expect professional standards, unfortunately in a lot of cases that appears to be exactly what we aren't getting where those in positions of authority over the likes of professionals are simply not doing their jobs properly or being very lenient on miscreants.
Trust has to be earned, once it's lost it can never fully be recovered as there will always be a nagging suspicion that something isn't quite right.
Doctors are now joining the likes of the police in losing public trust.
They only have themselves to blame.

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