Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Here we go

One of the more interesting aspects of Cameron's non-veto of the non-treaty is the reaction of the EUphiles pervading the evil empire. Instead of persuasion they immediately go to threats. The main one being the UK rebate, though the insults flying were mostly generic and empty threats.
EUROCRATS sparked fury last night by calling for Britain’s annual European Union rebate to be scrapped in revenge for David Cameron’s defiance of Brussels.
In an angry European Parliament backlash, foreign Euro MPs called for massive financial penalties for the UK in response to the Prime Minister’s refusal to back EU treaty revisions.
One even claimed ending the rebate was a suitable alternative to “a declaration of war” involving tanks and Kalashnikov rifles.
In a further salvo, European Commission president Jose Manuel Barroso accused Britain of risking the “integrity” of the EU’s single market.
The people who actually risked the integrity of the EU's single market were those in the various EU government and bureaucracy who allowed the poorer members of the EU to borrow against German economic stability. Though I suspect any attempt to remove the UK rebate would put Cameron in a position of being forced into a referendum on the EU, so goodness knows what the EUrocrats are thinking.
Yesterday cracks in the anti-British alliance began to show when Sweden’s government signalled it may not back the new eurozone “fiscal compact”. Swedish prime minister Fredrik Reinfeldt said: “It is very clear that we do not have all the facts and unless we have that, it’s tough to make a final verdict.”
Very predictable, the moment Cameron said no (to whatever he said no too) nobody else had too, making us the scapegoats for the whole farrago. Though again events today suggest that whatever agreement they came too would never be enough as the markets have already moved on and don't like the idea of a "fiscal compact" probably because it's unworkable.
I suspect though at the moment these are just words, people just taking the opportunity to do a little political bigotry under the pretence that somehow or other a political decision from one country is a personal affront to the rest of them. Still, if they keep it up, sooner or later the pressure on Cameron will force him to act, so I guess it's a case of "bring it on!"

3 annotations:

Captain Haddock said...

It has been suggested elsewhere that Cameron's actions may lead to us being "expelled" from the EU ..

This is probably far more likely than Cameron ever offering us a referendum ..

So .. as you rightly say .. Bring it on & they can shove their rebates & rules up their collective arses ..

banned said...

I'd love them to "expel" us, it's so cool being the bad boy.

Why doesn't Cameron just go the whole way and endorse Dan Hannans view, it would ensure his re-election as PM and get rid of the LibDems.

Swedens position re the Euro is interesting. They are legally obliged to join it once their economy matches the correct profile (I forget the "convergance" wording) but there is no legal requirement for them to achieve that. So they can delay indefinitely.

andy said...

The fact that several other countries are starting to go cold on this new treaty makes me think that they have just read the small print and realised what this deal really means,that their economic policy will be decided by a body that hasnt had its own finances approved for 16 years because of its own rampant corruption and mismanagement.