Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Money, money, money

Four headlines and four attempts for either the government or others to get hold of our money via the government.
Eighteen Church of England bishops have signed an open letter, criticising the government's proposed welfare changes.
In the letter, in The Observer, the bishops express concerns about plans to limit the amount any household can claim in benefits to £500 a week.
£500 a week? Dear Lord! What planet are they living on? As the only working person in my household I bring in just above that and work 4 on 4 off 12 hour shifts and these Bishops say that people who are on benefits should be able to claim more than someone on the average wage and who works for a living actually brings home. They just don't get it do they? What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. Basic morality really though these Bishops seem to have forgotten that principle.
The Prime Minister and his deputy, Nick Clegg, will unveil proposals to help first-time buyers of new homes by carrying part of the risk of their mortgages.
They also propose subsidising the construction of 16,000 homes by giving £400 million of taxpayers’ money to property developers.
In a further move, ministers are working on a scheme under which billions of pounds of money in pension funds will be used to finance the construction of power stations, wind turbines and roads.
Have these morons not heard of the federal mortgage protection agency that became known under the friendly acronym Fannie Mae? This was the organisation in the USA which did exactly the same thing that Cameron and Clegg are proposing to do, it went bankrupt and American taxpayers are having to pick up the results of that. As for the windfarm rubbish, I'm with Prince Philip on that one all the way.
FIRMS should get cash handouts from the Government for offering jobs to poorly-qualified British youngsters rather than migrants, the country’s top business leader said last night.
The astonishing suggestion by John Cridland, director-general of the Confederation Of British Industry, threatened to ignite a fresh “British jobs for British workers” discrimination row.
“If we gave employers £1,500 as a cash subsidy to take on a 16-year-old, they might take on a 16-year-old with lack of work experience and sometimes poor qualifications rather than a migrant worker or a mature worker who has got those skills,” he said in an interview on the eve of the CBI annual conference, which opens today in London amid growing calls for radical action by the Government to stimulate economic growth.
Or how abouts we actually come up with an education system that doesn't deposit semi-literate 16 year olds out into the big wide world? Get rid of all the crap about racism, the environment, religion that kids have to go through and actually make the little buggers learn something. Set up apprenticeship schemes by all means but drop this get everyone into uni nonsense  only the top 10% should be going there and if they were it should be ok to make it free. Sort out the education system and the CBI should stop asking for our money.
Get us out of the EU and stop immigration... Sorted.
Toll lanes to relieve the congested road network are to be built as part of a major Government drive to kickstart the economy.
Firms will be asked to construct dedicated ‘express lanes’ alongside busy sections of motorways and trunk roads.
Drivers using the lanes would be billed per journey, with the profits going to the private sector.
I can see why the Tories think this is a brilliant idea, they won't have to pay for it or maintain it, the problem I foresee is road rage as those of us who cannot afford to pay up are stuck in congestion whilst those who can get pranged by others who resent the £50 billion in motoring taxes of which only £7 billion are spent on roads and don't see why we don't have the best roads in Europe for our hard earned cash being spent on things it's not supposed to be.

And they wonder why we hate and despise them?

5 annotations:

Anonymous said...

Politics in Britain is not unlike observing the seasons or watching the ebb and flow of the tide.

Certain things always seem to happen at certain stages of a governments life.

It is traditional for the Cof E to throw a hissy fit 18 months into a government and complain that the Government isn't wasting enough money on housing immigrants in plush pads in Kensington and Chelsea.

All Governments at some stage have to throw Richard branson a bone ( usually worth a couple of Billion) a full size tain set or a Bank it matters not what it actually is!

All governments announce a scheme to help first time buyers. Nothing is ever heard of these schemes again.

All Governments go through a 2 week long " British jobs for British workers" phase and then spend five years importing millions of immigrants.

A PM will always make a keynote speech signalling an end to multicultralism. Blair did it. Dave has already done it. Anybody noticed any change yet? Thought not. No sadly these people are just playing a game on behalf of their real masters. Perhaps we should tell them we are not going to play with them anymore!!

Captain Haddock said...

They come up with these silly notions because they've never held down "proper" jobs themselves .. their living is provided by other people, as is their housing .. meanwhile they get paid for working, in the main, a "one day" week ..

Clergymen ? .. the biggest parasites under the sun ..

DerekP said...

all religions (or sanctimonious non-evidential made-up belief systems) want:
- cash,
- power over the weak to bully/oppress/violate them,
- influence over our 'leaders' so as to get more power.

If we don't give them cash and live they way they tell us to then apparently the world will end, (although it hasn't so far) so roll on the human sacrifices!

Saw a neat summary of some of the actions concerning Man-Made Global Warming:-

Science Corrupting, Alarmist, Money-Milking Eco-Religion Swindlers

Crinkly & Ragged Arsed Philosophers said...

Only imbeciles would try to re-inflate a burst bubble.

Captain Haddock said...

"Only imbeciles would try to re-inflate a burst bubble" ...

Sadly someone succeeded with Ken Clarke & appears to be trying to repeat the experiment with Michael Heseltine ..