Monday, September 5, 2011

The moral bankruptcy of the left

The depths to which the left sinks when dealing with anything it doesn't understand or fears can never be underestimated.

Here we have an utter slimeball UAF mong describing an attack on a young female who had fallen off a coach carrying EDL patriots that had been attacked and clearly gloating about the violence and thuggery on display.

The attack on the coach.

The attack on the woman who had her jaw fractured but is now out of hospital.

The police? Well they arrested everyone on the coach (though not the young woman)
Fortunately the video shows despite some ludicrous claims by various Leftist and Muslim groups that the EDL had provoked the attack just exactly who the barbarians in our society are, and they aren't the EDL. You can imagine the headlines if the EDL attacked a coach of Islamists, the front page wouldn't be big enough.

6 annotations:

squarepeg said...

The person, (?), who took the first video:

Anonymous said...

"You can imagine the headlines if the EDL attacked a coach of Islamists, the front page wouldn't be big enough"

Well, there's certainly no arguing with that, QM.


TheBoilingFrog said...

Whatever one's political views, that first video is a disgrace. Laughing about attacking a young female? Hope someone stoves his head in.

James Higham said...

This latest one - bus departs with 44 quiet EDL members. Bus breaks down. 100 Muslims attack with missiles. Police look away. Asians eventually dispersed. Police arrest the victims on the bus. Anyone care to explain the logic to me?

Anonymous said...

The Police, The politicans, The Mainstream media are all disgusting traitors. Why in the name of all that is holy were the people on the bus arrested? Why weren't the UAF thugs arrested. Why is the Conservative party still allied to the UAF. Do the government view the UAF as their personal stormtroopers, ready to rough up anybody who doesn't swallow government propaganda hook line and sinker. The innocent victims on the bus should sue plod for wrongful arrest!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't you just fancy a few minutes alone with that creature who thinks hitting women is funny...