Monday, August 22, 2011

Sounds good in theory

Lot of things sound good in theory, but in practice are either very complex or don't work the way they were originally intended, like the UK benefits system, which was originally supposed to be a safety net for people between jobs, but eventually has turned into a comfort zone for some who see no point in working.
This idea also seems good in theory...
Proposals to charge utility companies for digging up roads during busy times in England are being put forward by the government in a national consultation.
Ministers propose that companies carrying out roadworks at peak times pay councils to rent the road space.
They would be able to avoid the charges by carrying out works during quieter periods or, if appropriate, at night.
As the 12-week consultation begins, Transport Secretary Philip Hammond said such disruption was "expensive".
I'm thinking that this is a case of no one in the government using joined up thinking. Utility companies wont be bothered about renting the road space, guess where they'll pass any costs on too?
I suspect the next excuse for a rise in energy bills will be blamed on "road rental" The utility companies have no incentive whatsoever to stop digging up roads at peak periods with this plan, because they will be able to recoup their costs by passing them on via their billing system to consumers.
Or perhaps the government do know this and are just allowing the utility companies to screw us over again, like they have with wind farms and solar energy.
The easiest way around it would be to give local authorities the power to enforce 24 hour working on any work that needs doing or to prevent any disruption during peak periods. Though again, how do they cope with emergency repairs...
As I said it sounds good in theory, but in practice?

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